How to create multi-level subdomains using SuiNS?
I've been trying to create nested subdomains using SuiNS, and I'm confused about the maximum depth allowed. Despite the documentation stating that the total nesting depth can be 10 levels (including SLD and TLD), I'm getting an error when trying to create a 4th-level subdomain. The error mentions an invalid parent object. Can someone explain the limitation and how to properly create deeper nested subdomains?
- Move CLI
- Move
2在 SUIN 中,除此之外的其他关卡可能不会为每个更深层次的孩子创造新的 NFT. one.two.three.four.five.six.seven.eight.name.sui
8 个级别(SLD 和 TLD 为 +2)的总深度表示每个关卡的节点可能达到的最大等级,这意味着您可以达到最多. 叶子只能从非叶子向下移动一级,这意味着你的结构只能支持来自父节点的直接子节点. 示例实现将涉及在添加新的子域名之前,确保每个级别都正确设置为相应的父域. 对于five.six.seven.eight.name.sui
SUIN 中的所有权模型要求每个关卡的父级对其直系子级拥有控制权. 要在第 4 级创建子域名,您需要确保使用直系父域名进行创建. abc.sui
例如,如果您有第 2 级inner.abc.sui
和第 inner.abc.sui
3 级,则必须使用extra.inner.abc.sui
创建第 4 级子域名,例如.
Move is an executable bytecode language used to implement custom transactions and smart contracts.